Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Deciding on a Career?

Determining a career is neither an art or an exact science. Research seems to suggests that those of the previous generation will change careers at least three times, and those in the present generatation may change even twice that number of times. That makes "career" less permanent and more intangible. The question may not be "what career should I choose," but rather "what do I love to do and what am I good at doing?" If you can answer both in a manner that align up, then you have the answer to your question. What "career" was to the 1960s, "skills" will be to those living in this era. It's not whether one is an accountant now that will matter, but that he or she has accountant "skills" that will determine their future jobs and security.

One's passion may be just as important as what "career" you would like to enter. Find what you are most passion about (probably something you would even do without pay), and then determine how to make a living at it. That doesn't mean that you would not need training, a college degree, or experience to make it successfully. But, it does mean that if you have a passion for what you are doing you will probably enjoy it more and you will should be working from your areas of strength. Now, granted, that does not mean (for most of us) that my love of baseball and youthful drive to play it...will mean that I can simply count on making it to the major leagues and make big bucks. It didn't happen. And, that would be just about as foolish as the 7th graders I once polled, asking them what they wanted to be/do when they grow up. Some actually said, "To win the lottery." Your passion, however, will propel you with enthusiasm, extra energy, and with the right skills, training, etc., could become very useful in your vocation.

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